Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Overseas Voting for NLE 2019

Time to do our part for the country!

When I did my passport renewal back in 2017, they mandated voter registration as well so I'm finally able to exercise my right to vote this year! :) Never too late yo!

Kaso Dubai, pero whatodooo at least I get to vote.

To view the complete list of senators & partylists, please click on the link 

But first, make sure you're on the list of registered voters by going to the nearest embassy's website and checking your name. Since I'm registered in Dubai, here's the link to their site:

Let's do our research and don't sell out :) Search their track records!

Voting is from April 13-May 13 - below is the schedule so you know when to go - just don't leave it till the last minute!