To get a marriage license in Abu Dhabi, below are the requirements to submit:
*Taken from Philippine Consulate - Abu Dhabi website:
- 1 copy of DFA authenticated NSO Birth Certificate (original and 2 photocopies)
- Transcription copy of birth certificate, if the copy issued by the NSO is not clear (original and 2 photocopies)
- 1 copy of DFA authenticated NSO CENOMAR (original and 2 photocopies) (same with the entries in birth certificate)
- 3 passport copies of the contracting parties
- For ages 18-21, DFA authenticated Affidavit of Parental Consent (original and 2 photocopies)
- For ages 22-25, DFA authenticated Affidavit of Parental Advice (original and 2 photocopies)
- 1 copy of DFA authenticated NSO Death Certificate of parents (original and 2 photocopies)
- Signed Joint Affidavit of Two Witnesses and their respective 3 passport copies (Yes, signed)
- 2 passport-size pictures of the contracting parties
- personal appearance of the contracting parties
- Marriage Counseling Certificate
*In photocopying your NSO authenticated documents, make sure that the whole page is copied, as you will be asked to re-do if the bottom is not included. You can submit these in the below order (3 sets each, per applicant):
1. Passport copy
2. Residence visa copy
3. NSO authentication - cenomar (full page copy)
4. Cenomar copy
5. NSO authentication - birth certificate (full page copy)
6. Birth certificate copy
Note: names should all match, as well as your parents' in all documents.
Also, even if you already attended the MPC course in St. Joseph's Church, you will be asked to attend a Marriage Counseling session in Philippine Consulate - Dubai (yes, Dubai huhuhuuuuu). They will give you the nearest schedule and they will do the registration on the spot (mandatory).
However, they will still process your license even if you don't have the counseling at this time. You can submit it once you come back for your license.
- DFA authenticated Court’s Decision and Certificate of Finality of Annulment (original and 2 photocopies)
- DFA authenticated NSO Marriage Contract with annotation that the marriage is already annulled/void (original and 2 photocopies)
- DFA authenticated NSO records of previous marriages (original and 2 photocopies)
- 1 copy of DFA authenticated NSO Death Certificate of the deceased spouse
Once you all have your documents in order, you can go to the embassy from Sundays to Thursdays at 8AM-12PM and:
1. Get your queue number from the guardhouse (left side).
2. Submit your documents and fill up the additional forms you will be given.
3. Register for Marriage Counseling seminar in Dubai
4. Pay 200 AED
5. Return the receipt copy to processor and she will give your copy back, along with the Marriage Counseling schedule and date of license release.
To go to the embassy (from Al Wahda Mall), please see below:
To go to the embassy (from Al Wahda Mall), please see below: