Saturday, January 20, 2018

NYE Blues

It's Jan 20th already and I've been making no progress on all my "expected goals" for this year. I know I should've had a list by now but I feel like I've been too negative for the past months that all I can think of are badvibe-y things that just makes me feel meeeeeh.

I AM thankful that I've been beyond blessed this 2017, but it's just that there are certain people who can take all that away with their "Eh di wows" and "Sige lang a." It's as if whatever good you do for somebody, whatever goal you achieve or how hard you work, it will never be enough for others to respect nor support you and what you want for yourself. It's as if crab mentality is a hard quality to shake off, specially among those that's within your immediate vicinity. 

Anyway, I don't want to end up eating my feelings so I'm sending these negative vibes out there in the cosmic cybervoid. It's hard enough feeling like you're the contrabida with all these bad thoughts swimming in your head at the same time losing 10kgs and being a good friend to those who actually need you, a daughter, sister and supportive fiancee to the people who truly matter.