Friday, July 24, 2015

Moving Day

Didn't know I was able to collect so much stuff in 3 years - with the bulk of it mostly made up of clothes and toiletries - that of which I shouldn't be too surprised since I set aside a budget for it every month without fail. Dame kaartehan haha 

Anyway, it's been my 3rd move since January. And I did the moving under the sweltering heat of the AUH sun making 2-3 trips a day for 1 week just to carry everything to and fro ☀️ that I felt like I've lost at least 3kg just by walking (inshallaahh)! Here's a snapshot of the mess I left:

When I come back after my raket I'll be dressing it up real nice in under a few hundred dirhams ~ wish I could've had furniture allowance like some of my friends but beggars can't be choosers ~~ I'm just thankful I have all this space after spending 5 months in a cramped room with 4 other people. Life is sweeet! Sleepover soon!